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Technology & Engineering Education Collegiate Association

Joined Fall 2014

Events Participated in at TEECA East

    Sophomore Year - Robotics - 2nd place 

    Junior Year - Problem Solving - 2nd place 

    Senior Year - Teaching Lesson - 1st place 

What Is TEECA?

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   TEECA is a National Organization which has student run professional organizations on Campuses that have technology and engineering education as a major. The national organization's goal is to help prepare  future educators for leading students but also allow students from universities around the states network at conferences.

   Every year in November, the Eastern region has their conference, and senior year Millersville University hosted the conference. Our chapter plan and led the opening day activities which I was on the committee for and allowed invited keynote speakers and presenters for the duration of the conference. 

At the Conference there are 10 different competitions that we can pick from to compete. 

Robotics: Our team of 5 students had to build a VEX robot to compete in 3 different challenges: Game, Autonomous, and Day of Surprise. We were also judged on our paperwork. We had to keep a daily log of how we used our time and who worked on what aspects of the project.  

Problem Solving: Our team of 6 was given a 5-5-5 challenge and had the day to complete it, and then present it the following morning. The 5-5-5 challenge was in the tools/supplies we could use, we could pick 5 off of the list, plus 5 ($1 each) from the dollar store and then we were given 5 in the room. We were judged on completion of the problem and the paperwork and researched involved. That year the problem was to get food and water up a hill to a village. 

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Teaching Lesson: The Challenge was to design a lesson covering a topic of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation and experimentation in problem solving for middle school students. the lesson had to include an activity based concept, reinforce vocab and be interactive. We had to plan a 45-minute lesson, but only teach 15-minutes of the lesson. You could work as a pair or singularly, so Abbey and I worked together, and selected Parallel and Series Circuits. We were judged based on our lesson presentation, lesson plan, support materials and post lesson reflection.

For the interactive section we used a website that was preset up on the iPad we supplied that we had from student teaching. We had the students make circuits following a worksheet and screenshot their work so they could upload it into the class dropbox. 

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